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How to look younger then our age

How to look younger then our age 

Ways to look younger - Ageing is one organic skin factor and we all arrived at that stage on one day. But if you act like you notice some of our elders these people seems quite young irrespective of their age which is solely because they would defently look after their skin in a regular way, unless they can't be appear younger as what they actually are Bad meals habits, Improper care to our skin area, dirt and pollution all these aspects can accelerate the ageing procedure soon and make us look older in our young age itself

So here tend to be certain measures to slow down the procedure for ageing and keeps our skin more youthful..

1 . Follow a normal skin care routine always to keep your body glow till end.

2 . Drop-out your bad habits of smoking as well as drinking (if have) and comply with healthy lifestyle

3. Stay away from fast foods and oily foods and include maximum vegetables and fruits in your diet.

4. Include specific supplements like folic acids, tissot 3 acids to improve skin shine, shiny hair and texture.

5. Drink plenty of water and consume fiber rich foods to keep your skin tone hydrated.

6. protect your eye from sun tan and darkness as it is the first feature that displays ageing.

7. Never let your make-up stay whole day as it can easily break up your skin.

8. Use skin protecting creams when you are going to expose sunshine.

9. Go for antioxidant rich items which include Acai berries, Vitamin E, Vitamin D and pomegranates which help to battle wrinkles.

10. Start using anti-aging lotions in your 20's to delay the actual signs of aging.

How to look younger then our age Reviewed by Unknown on 12:25:00 Rating: 5

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